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Laxachusetts Program Details 2024 / 2025 Season

Laxachusetts Program Details for 2024 / 2025 Program Year


(High School Description Scroll Down) 


We have over 80+ Coaches on staff in our program. Every coach has played lacrosse at the collegiate level. Most of our coaches are also coaching at the College, High School and or Youth Level.

The Summer Teams will have the same coaches. Typically, we have (2) Head Coaches (minimum of (1) Head Coach) and (1) Asst Coach (who is a current college player and former Laxachusetts player) They do a great job and love to come and give back to the program. 

All of our Coaches and Directors have full time jobs outside of lacrosse. We all love the game and are very passionate to give back and help players achieve their dreams and goals to playing at a higher level. 

(The program is optional as we realize most players have Fall Sports). We love and support multi sport athletes. This program is only if your schedule allows.

Our Winter Indoor Skills Training is what makes us a top 3 club program in the country and the leader in player development in New England.  We begin first week in Nov and end early March at most facilities.

Our skills training is what we are known for as a program Nationally.

Our programs main focus is on PLAYER SKILL DEVELOPMENT. We feel we are the best in the country at DEVELOPING ALL OF OUR PLAYERS.

Our skill training is the only reason we can compete with the top club programs in the country (IN EVERY GRADE AND EVERY TEAM) and currently ranked as a top 3 club programs in North America. (5 yrs in a row now). We are a founding member of the National Lacrosse Federation which is made up of the top 20 Club Programs in North America. 

Our Winter Skills run from Nov - Mar and we offer Skills and Shooting Sessions in multiple locations.

Our Face off Training nights are run by Joe Nardella, Team USA, Owner of Face Off Factory and PLL MVP and Champ !   These sessions are held at Norfolk Forekicks this winter season. 

(Attack / Defender Specialty Sessions) This will be offered at Union Point and Sudbury Field House. We do receive questions about Midfield training, simple answer is that the skills we are teaching on normal skill nights are all skills Midfielders use. So they are covered.

Goalie Training Sessions will be offered at Union Point Sports Complex on Wednesday Evenings. The Goalie nights will be directed by Goalie Director Kyle Prussing and Goalie Coaches Billy Daye, Matty Jewers, Tillman Johnson, Sam Gindhart, Chris Gelinas, Nick Romeo, and Ben Midura
Goalie coaches will be attending other skill locations and our goalies are expected to attend skill session nights like all other players. Goalies need to be attending skill nights so they can see game like shots in all drills with players. 

Players can attend any number of winter skill sessions where their grade is listed.
Some players attend 3-4 nights and some players only attend 1 night of skills.

We do not take attendance at skill sessions. But we do expect players to keep up with their skill level on their own.
We have multiple locations and nights so that players can work around their schedules. We do not take attendance because we know players are playing other sports (and this is important). We also stress the importance of academics before athletics. 

We do expect players to be working on their skills at home. We come up with many ways to motivate the boys to practice at home.

One of those is our Wall Ball Helmet Challenge. You may have noticed the returning Laxachusetts players wearing Cascade Custom helmets with the Green Shamrock.  Players need to earn them through our Wall Ball Challenge. It is a series of 6 exercises and players need to practice and complete the challenge. We have a very detailed email that we will send to ALL players in the fall with the Wall Ball Challenge


We offer a LXC box lacrosse league which is played on Sunday afternoons at the Hingham Sports Center. This league is ONLY for Laxachusetts players. We have been running our Youth Box Lacrosse League the past 11 years now. 
We have 3 divisions. 

  • 3rd / 4th grade division 
  • 5th / 6th grade division 
  • 7th / 8th grade division 


95% of the Players do participate in our spring program. This is where we actually start to teach the game. We spend all 15 weeks in the winter working on all skill / fundamental work. In the Spring is where we teach the IQ piece of the game. We do use the Spring program to start to build the AA and A rosters. If a player is unable to participate, we will use the notes we have from fall and winter skills. Players can also be moved from AA to A and A to AA in the summer. Players are evaluated event to event as well in the summer.

Spring Program consists of 5-6 practices and 2 play local play days. We are also sending all of our teams to Long Island in May for a 1 day tourney. 

The Summer Season. Generally, the tournaments start the second weekend in June and end mid July. The program fee covers (4) tourneys for all teams. (2nd/3rd grade teams play (3) summer tourneys)
We have our summer schedule sent out by January 1st, each year . 

We will send out a Google Doc in February asking players availability for the summer tourneys. Parents select dates their son is available and we create the rosters off of that. Very easy process. 

We run the same offense, defense, clear, ride, man up, man down, etc... with every team and grade (2nd - 12th). We use the same terminology etc.. This way the players learn our system very easily and we can have fewer practices. Since we have players from over 100 towns in Ma. and also from CT, NH and RI. It is very tough to have a lot of practices in the summer. 

Even with a few practices and playing against the top club programs in the nation, as a program we will still win over 90% of our games. In the end, winning is great but that is not really what it is all about. We are more concerned with how the game was Won or Lost. We care about the effort. We care about competitiveness. We care about playing the game with strong IQ and Fundamentals. Overall Player Skill Development is a huge priority for us. 

Our model has been very successful and we have been very fortunate to lead the country in the number of college commitments in the 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 classes and currently our 2025 class has 60+ college commits which is more than double any other club in the country at this time.

It is because the players commit to skill training, commit to practicing at home, and more importantly commit to academics. All of our players are also multi sport athletes which is another big part of our success. 

You can click here to see our college commitment list from our program 

Thank you again. I hope this has helped you an even stronger understanding of our program and model the success of our players. We look forward to getting started working with the boys this fall and winter seasons. 


Dan Chouinard
Laxachusetts Youth Director 


LXC High School Program Description 

Here are some more details on our program for the upcoming season. And will continue to have more for you) Stay Tuned...

Our Winter Indoor Skills Training is Part of the Program Fee. The Winter Schedule can be seen by clicking here 

Our Winter Skills are offered in multiple locations in different nights. (players can attend as many or as few their schedule allows).

Our skills training is what we are known for as a program Nationally. Our skill training is the only reason we can compete with the top club programs in the country (in every grade) and currently ranked as a top 3 club programs in North America. We are a founding member of the National Lacrosse Federation which is made up of the top 20 Club Programs in North America. 

Our Face off Training nights are run by Joe Nardella, Team USA, Owner of Face Off Factory and PLL MVP and Champ !   These sessions are held at Norfolk Forekicks.

(Attack / Defender Specialty Sessions) This will be offered at Union Point on Wednesday evenings this year moved from Sunday mornings hoping to increase attendance. . We do receive questions about Midfield training, simple answer is that the skills we are teaching on normal skill nights are all skills Midfielders use. So they are covered.

Goalie Training Sessions will be offered at Union Point Sports Complex on Wednesday Evenings. The Goalie nights will be directed by Goalie Director Kyle Prussing and Goalie Coaches Billy Daye, Matty Jewers, Sam Gindhart, Nick Romeo, Tillman Johnson, Chris Gelinas, and Ben Midura.

Goalie coaches will be attending other skill locations and our goalies are expected to attend skill session nights like all other players. Goalies need to be attending skill nights so they can see game like shots in all drills with players. 

Players can attend any number of winter skill sessions where their grade is listed. (players do need to attend with their grade
Some players attend 2-3 nights and some players only attend 1 night of skills.

We do not take attendance at skill sessions. But we do expect players to keep up with their skill level on their own.
We have multiple locations and nights so that players can work around their other sports schedules. We do not take attendance because we know players are playing other sports (and this is important). We also stress the importance of academics before athletics. 

  • Sunday Night High School FULL FIELD Skill Sessions at Weymouth Union Point Sports Complex. We did this so we can get our High School Players on a FULL SIZE field for a few Sunday's in January and February with our top coaches. Sundays also have very few conflicts for players with HS sports. This is a must attend for ALL of our HS players. These sessions are also where we will be evaluation players for the summer AA and A rosters. We will also bring in some of the local clubs to compete in scrimmages as well which helps our staff with the AA / A roster evaluations. 

Recruiting Director in Each Class

  • Freshman  Class – Sean Morris
  • Sophomore Class – Sean Morris / Dave Evans
  • Junior / Senior  Class – Dave Evans / Vin Curran
  • College Recruiting Informational Zoom Meetings with each class 
  • Junior Class Players will have zoom meeting with College Recruiting Director in Jan / Feb to get college recruiting assistance and help pick out list of schools that fit academically, socially and athletically. Players need to bring in current transcript from school and discuss grades and goals for college
  • We provide Game Film as part of your program fee from LXC Tournaments
    (Fall and Summer)
    • We have our own film crew attend most Fall and Summer games and games filmed in HD, players receive game film as part of program fee (if our film crew does not attend, we will purchase game film from event)
  • We purchase a Sports Recruit Account for all sophomores  and juniors and seniors. Players are expected to create the player profile, create highlight tapes, and use the sportsrecruits platform to assist them and manage the college recruiting process. This is an incredible tool for our high school players and helps players own the college recruiting process. Our High School Directors can access the sportsrecruits site and view our players pages. 
  • 2 Fall Tournaments and 3 Summer Tournaments are part of your program fee 
    (Tourney Selections will be sent to players based on coaches’ evaluations)
    • Evaluations for fall ball events will be made on Sunday fall practices
    • Summer Roster Evaluations are during winter skills and specifically Sunday Night winter skills

Fall Practices: (Union Point Sports Complex, South Weymouth)
4 Sunday morning practice sessions (Sept and Oct) 

Fall Recruiting Events: 

  • Uncommitted Fall event in October at Union Point 

Fall Recruiting Events: (players will be invited to (2) of the below events)

  • Sunday, Nov, Igloo Invitational, Long Island, NY (sophomore and junior classes)  
  • Sunday, Nov  UMass Fall Classic (UMass Amherst) (freshman, sophomore and junior classes) 
  • Sunday, Nov, NALA Fall Tourney, (DE Turf Complex) (freshmnan, sophomore and junior classes) 
  • Sunday, Nov, NLF Fall Tourney (Long Island, NY) (freshman, sophomore and junior classes) 
  • Sunday, Nov, Elite Showdown (Bryant Univ, RI) (freshman, sophomore and junior class)

Summer Dates:
The Summer Season. Generally, the tournaments start the second weekend in June and end mid July. The program fee covers (3) tourneys for all players.

We should have our summer schedule sent out by December 1st, each year. (at latest)

With MIAA Spring Playoff Season ending late June, most likely the MIAA players will miss the first 2-3 weekends of college recruiting events in June. These players will be rostered for later summer events. (Just FYI) (LXC Tourney dates for most MIAA players would be June mid June and July.  

We will send out a Google Doc in February asking for players availability for the summer tourneys (June and July). Parents select dates their son is available and we create the rosters off of that. Very easy process. 


  • Players receive custom jersey, (2) game shorts and shooter shirt 
  • NEW Players receive custom LXC Gear Bag
  • Summer practices (we have 4-5 practices total in summer)
  • We have a staff of 80+ Head Coaches on our staff. All have played collegiate lacrosse and all coach at the youth, high school and / or college levels. There is not a staff in New England that compares to the incredible staff we have at Laxachusetts

Optional Offerings for Laxachusetts Players during the season (not included  in program fee and will be sent out at a later date)  

  • Indoor Winter Box Lacrosse High School League (Click Here

We run the same offense, defense, clear, ride, man up, man down, etc... with every team and grade (3rd - 12th). We use the same terminology etc.. This way the players learn our system very easily and we can have fewer practices. Since we have players from over 100 towns in Ma. and also, from CT, NH and RI. It is very tough to have a lot of practices in the summer. 

Even with a few practices and playing against the top club programs in the nation, as a program we will still win over 90% of our games. In the end, winning is great but that is not really what it is all about. We are more concerned with how the game was Won or Lost. We care about the effort. We care about competitiveness. We care about playing the game with strong IQ and Fundamentals. We are all about PLAYER DEVELOPMENT.

Our model has been very successful and we have been very fortunate to lead the country in the number of college commitments in the 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, 2024  classes and currently our 2025 class has 25+ college commits which is almost double any other club program at this time.

It is because the players commit to skill training, commit to practicing at home, and more importantly commit to academics. All of our players are also multi sport athletes which is another big part of our success. 

There will be so much more info coming over the next few days via email about our program. 

Thank you again. I hope this has helped you an even stronger understanding of our program and model the success of our players. 


Dave Evans and Sean Morris
Laxachusetts High School Directors