The Laxachusetts Girls Program will follow the same level of professionalism and commitment to skill development that has launched the Laxachusetts Boys Program to one of the top 3 club programs in the Nation.
Acacia Walker will be the Director of the Lady Laxachusetts Program.
(Registration for the 2012/2013 Lady Laxachusetts Program is at the bottom of this page)
Girls Laxachusetts Tryouts for the 2012/2013 Season will be held on August 19th, 25th, and 26th at the Thayer Academy South Campus Turf Fields.
The fee to attend tryouts is $60.00 and that covers all 3 tryouts. Players can attend 1 tryout, 2 tryouts or all 3.
For the 2012/2013 Season, we will be offering 1 Team at the following grade levels
2022 (3rd Grade), 2021 (4th Grade), 2020 (5th Grade), 2019 (6th Grade), 2018 (7th Grade), and 2017 (8th Grade).
Just added to the Program Design: No Additonal Charge: 9 weeks of skills + small ball games located at the Hingham Sports Center
3rd and 4th grade - 900am - 1030am
5th and 6th grade - 1030am - 1200pm
7th and 8th grade - 1200pm - 130pm
September 16th - Nov 11th.
If you missed tryouts in the Fall. Eamil us as we will continue to evaluate NEW players in these 9 weeks of skills at the Hingham Sports Center.
The Girls Laxachusetts Program will consist of skill sessions (90 minutes each) meeting once a week from Nov - March. All skill sessions will be held at the Cohasset Sports Complex.
**NEW** Monday Nights (Canton Sports Plex) 500pm - 630pm (3rd, 4th and 5th grades) 630pm - 800pm (6th, 7th and 8th grades)
Cohasset Complex Tuesday Nights (3rd and 4th grade) 500pm - 630pm
Cohasset Complex Tuesday Nights (7th and 8th grade) 630pm - 800pm
Cohasset Complex Wednesday Nights (5th and 6th grade) 500pm - 630pm
The Girls Laxachusetts program fee will be $995.00 and will cover all indoor skills, any fall practices, all apparel, uniforms, team equipment, coaches pay, insurance, indoor field rental, outdoor field rental, summer practices, coaches travel expenses, web site expenses, etc...
The Girls Laxachusetts program will participate in 2 summer tournaments and these will be ala cart (tournament fee's range from $75.00 - $175.00 per player depending on the tournament).
The Girls Laxachusetts program may also offer an optional spring training skills program on Sunday mornings (that will not interfere with town youth programs) for any team players who wish to participate (Spring program will be in the range of $325.00 for 8 weeks of skill training outdoors)
The Registration "" is not currently available.
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